
Decide whether hourly-rate-based or package-based support is right for you:

Hourly Rates and Packages


Advance Care Directive Package

Up to 3 hours of contact time over two sessions, either in-person or via Zoom, approx. 1 week apart

All core documentation forms will be provided either on paper or digitally, including proprietary Advance Care Directive documentation

Hourly Rates:

$70 per hour of contact time, either in-person or via Zoom (invoiced in 15-min or part thereof increments of $17.50)

$50 per hour of individually tailored research, documentation, or advocacy (invoiced in 15-min or part thereof increments of $12.50)

Ongoing Support Packages:

(when paid in advance)

5 hours of contact time: $330

10 hours of contact time: $630

20 hours of contact time: $1,200

Driving time:

Up to 15km from Inverloch (e.g. Wonthaggi): no additional cost

15 to 35km from Inverloch (e.g Leongatha, Korumburra, Loch, Venus Bay, Grantville, Meeniyan, San Remo, Fish Creek): $40 per visit

All other locations: Please inquire.